Visual Basic Graphics Programming (2nd Edition)
Visual Basic Graphics Programming 2nd Edition.iso
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542 lines
Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX"
Begin VB.Form frmMand
Caption = "Mand"
ClientHeight = 3810
ClientLeft = 2370
ClientTop = 1320
ClientWidth = 3810
LinkTopic = "Form1"
PaletteMode = 1 'UseZOrder
ScaleHeight = 254
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 254
Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog dlgFile
Left = 120
Top = 120
_ExtentX = 847
_ExtentY = 847
_Version = 393216
Begin VB.PictureBox picCanvas
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BackColor = &H00000000&
Height = 3810
Left = 0
MousePointer = 2 'Cross
ScaleHeight = 250
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 250
TabIndex = 0
Top = 0
Width = 3810
Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
Caption = "&File"
Begin VB.Menu mnuFileSaveAs
Caption = "&Save As..."
Shortcut = ^A
Begin VB.Menu mnuScaleMnu
Caption = "&Scale"
Begin VB.Menu mnuScale
Caption = "x&2"
Index = 2
Begin VB.Menu mnuScale
Caption = "x&4"
Index = 4
Begin VB.Menu mnuScale
Caption = "x&8"
Index = 8
Begin VB.Menu mnuScaleFull
Caption = "&Full Scale"
Begin VB.Menu mnuOpt
Caption = "&Options"
Begin VB.Menu mnuOptOptions
Caption = "&Set Options"
Begin VB.Menu mnuMovie
Caption = "&Movie"
Begin VB.Menu mnuMovieCreate
Caption = "&Create Movie..."
Attribute VB_Name = "frmMand"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private m_DrawingBox As Boolean
Private m_StartX As Single
Private m_StartY As Single
Private m_CurX As Single
Private m_CurY As Single
Private m_Xmin As Single
Private m_Xmax As Single
Private m_Ymin As Single
Private m_Ymax As Single
Public MaxIterations As Integer
Public NumColors As Integer
Private m_Colors() As Long
Private Const MIN_X = -2.2
Private Const MAX_X = 1
Private Const MIN_Y = -1.2
Private Const MAX_Y = 1.2
' Return this color's value.
Property Get Color(ByVal Index As Integer) As Long
Color = m_Colors(Index)
End Property
' Add this color to the list.
Public Sub AddColor(ByVal new_color As Long)
NumColors = NumColors + 1
ReDim Preserve m_Colors(1 To NumColors)
m_Colors(NumColors) = new_color
End Sub
' Adjust the aspect ratio of the selected
' coordinates so they fit the window properly.
Private Sub AdjustAspect()
Dim want_aspect As Single
Dim picCanvas_aspect As Single
Dim hgt As Single
Dim wid As Single
Dim mid As Single
want_aspect = (m_Ymax - m_Ymin) / (m_Xmax - m_Xmin)
picCanvas_aspect = picCanvas.ScaleHeight / picCanvas.ScaleWidth
If want_aspect > picCanvas_aspect Then
' The selected area is too tall and thin.
' Make it wider.
wid = (m_Ymax - m_Ymin) / picCanvas_aspect
mid = (m_Xmin + m_Xmax) / 2
m_Xmin = mid - wid / 2
m_Xmax = mid + wid / 2
' The selected area is too short and wide.
' Make it taller.
hgt = (m_Xmax - m_Xmin) * picCanvas_aspect
mid = (m_Ymin + m_Ymax) / 2
m_Ymin = mid - hgt / 2
m_Ymax = mid + hgt / 2
End If
End Sub
' Draw the Mandelbrot set.
Private Sub DrawMandelbrot()
' Work until the magnitude squared > 4.
Dim pixels() As RGBTriplet
Dim bits_per_pixel As Integer
Dim wid As Long
Dim hgt As Long
Dim clr As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim ReaC As Double
Dim ImaC As Double
Dim dReaC As Double
Dim dImaC As Double
Dim ReaZ As Double
Dim ImaZ As Double
Dim ReaZ2 As Double
Dim ImaZ2 As Double
Dim r As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim g As Integer
picCanvas.Line (0, 0)-(picCanvas.ScaleWidth, picCanvas.ScaleHeight), vbBlack, BF
' Get the image's pixels.
GetBitmapPixels picCanvas, pixels, bits_per_pixel
' Adjust the coordinate bounds to fit picCanvas.
' dReaC is the change in the real part
' (X value) for C. dImaC is the change in the
' imaginary part (Y value).
wid = picCanvas.ScaleWidth
hgt = picCanvas.ScaleHeight
dReaC = (m_Xmax - m_Xmin) / (wid - 1)
dImaC = (m_Ymax - m_Ymin) / (hgt - 1)
' Calculate the values.
ReaC = m_Xmin
For i = 0 To wid - 1
ImaC = m_Ymin
For j = 0 To hgt - 1
ReaZ = 0
ImaZ = 0
ReaZ2 = 0
ImaZ2 = 0
clr = 1
Do While clr < MaxIterations And _
' Calculate Z(clr).
ReaZ2 = ReaZ * ReaZ
ImaZ2 = ImaZ * ImaZ
ImaZ = 2 * ImaZ * ReaZ + ImaC
ReaZ = ReaZ2 - ImaZ2 + ReaC
clr = clr + 1
clr = m_Colors(1 + clr Mod NumColors)
With pixels(i, j)
.rgbRed = clr And &HFF&
.rgbGreen = (clr And &HFF00&) \ &H100&
.rgbBlue = (clr And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
End With
ImaC = ImaC + dImaC
Next j
ReaC = ReaC + dReaC
' Let the user know we're not dead.
If i Mod 10 = 0 Then
picCanvas.Line (0, 0)-(wid, i), vbWhite, BF
End If
Next i
' Update the image.
SetBitmapPixels picCanvas, bits_per_pixel, pixels
picCanvas.Picture = picCanvas.Image
Caption = "Mand (" & Format$(m_Xmin) & ", " & _
Format$(m_Ymin) & ")-(" & _
Format$(m_Xmax) & ", " & _
Format$(m_Ymax) & ")"
End Sub
' Reset the number of colors to 0.
Public Sub ResetColors()
NumColors = 0
Erase m_Colors
End Sub
' Start a rubberband box to select a zoom area.
Private Sub picCanvas_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
m_DrawingBox = True
m_StartX = X
m_StartY = Y
m_CurX = X
m_CurY = Y
picCanvas.DrawMode = vbInvert
picCanvas.Line (m_StartX, m_StartY)-(m_CurX, m_CurY), , B
End Sub
' Continue the zoom area rubberband box.
Private Sub picCanvas_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Not m_DrawingBox Then Exit Sub
picCanvas.Line (m_StartX, m_StartY)-(m_CurX, m_CurY), , B
m_CurX = X
m_CurY = Y
picCanvas.Line (m_StartX, m_StartY)-(m_CurX, m_CurY), , B
End Sub
' Zoom in on the selected area.
Private Sub picCanvas_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim x1 As Single
Dim x2 As Single
Dim y1 As Single
Dim y2 As Single
Dim factor As Single
If Not m_DrawingBox Then Exit Sub
m_DrawingBox = False
picCanvas.Line (m_StartX, m_StartY)-(m_CurX, m_CurY), , B
picCanvas.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
m_CurX = X
m_CurY = Y
' Put the coordinates in proper order.
If m_CurX < m_StartX Then
x1 = m_CurX
x2 = m_StartX
x1 = m_StartX
x2 = m_CurX
End If
If x1 = x2 Then x2 = x1 + 1
If m_CurY < m_StartY Then
y1 = m_CurY
y2 = m_StartY
y1 = m_StartY
y2 = m_CurY
End If
If y1 = y2 Then y2 = y1 + 1
' Convert screen coords into drawing coords.
factor = (m_Xmax - m_Xmin) / picCanvas.ScaleWidth
m_Xmax = m_Xmin + x2 * factor
m_Xmin = m_Xmin + x1 * factor
factor = (m_Ymax - m_Ymin) / picCanvas.ScaleHeight
m_Ymax = m_Ymin + y2 * factor
m_Ymin = m_Ymin + y1 * factor
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
' Force Visual Basic to resize the bitmap.
Private Sub picCanvas_Resize()
End Sub
' Save the picture.
Private Sub mnuFileSaveAs_Click()
Dim file_name As String
' Allow the user to pick a file.
On Error Resume Next
dlgFile.DialogTitle = "Save As File"
dlgFile.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt + cdlOFNHideReadOnly
If Err.Number = cdlCancel Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Error selecting file.", , vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
file_name = Trim$(dlgFile.FileName)
dlgFile.InitDir = Left$(file_name, Len(file_name) _
- Len(dlgFile.FileTitle) - 1)
' Save the picture.
SavePicture picCanvas.Image, file_name
End Sub
' Draw the initial Mandelbrot set.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
MaxIterations = 64
' Create some default colors.
AddColor frmConfig.picColor(40).BackColor
For i = 17 To 23
AddColor frmConfig.picColor(i).BackColor
Next i
Unload frmConfig
dlgFile.Filter = "Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|" & _
"All Files (*.*)|*.*"
dlgFile.InitDir = App.Path
dlgFile.CancelError = True
' Display the first Mandelbrot set.
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
picCanvas.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
End Sub
' Let the user set program options.
Private Sub mnuOptOptions_Click()
frmConfig.Initialize Me
frmConfig.Show vbModal
End Sub
' Zoom out to full scale.
Private Sub mnuScaleFull_Click()
m_Xmin = MIN_X
m_Xmax = MAX_X
m_Ymin = MIN_Y
m_Ymax = MAX_Y
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
' Make a series of images.
Private Sub MakeMovie(file_name As String)
Dim num_frames As Integer
Dim frame As Integer
Dim fraction As Single ' Amount to reduce image.
Dim xmid As Single ' Center of image.
Dim ymid As Single
Dim wid1 As Single ' Starting dimensions.
Dim hgt1 As Single
Dim wid2 As Single ' Finishing dimensions.
Dim hgt2 As Single
Dim wid As Single ' Current dimensions.
Dim hgt As Single
Dim start_time As Single
Dim stop_time As Single
Dim max_time As Single
Dim min_time As Single
Dim txt As String
Dim value As Integer
' See how may frames the user wants.
txt = InputBox("Number of frames:", _
"Frames", "20")
If txt = "" Then Exit Sub
If IsNumeric(txt) Then num_frames = CInt(txt)
If num_frames < 1 Then num_frames = 20
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
max_time = 0
min_time = 100000
' Set the center of focus and dimensions.
xmid = (m_Xmin + m_Xmax) / 2
ymid = (m_Ymin + m_Ymax) / 2
wid1 = MAX_X - MIN_X
wid2 = m_Xmax - m_Xmin
' Compute start and finish heights.
hgt1 = wid1 * picCanvas.ScaleHeight / picCanvas.ScaleWidth
hgt2 = wid2 * picCanvas.ScaleHeight / picCanvas.ScaleWidth
' Compute the amount to reduce the image for
' each frame.
fraction = Exp(Log(wid2 / wid1) / (num_frames - 1))
' Start cranking out frames.
wid = wid1
hgt = hgt1
For frame = 0 To num_frames - 1
Caption = "Mand " & Str$(frame) & _
"/" & Format$(num_frames - 1)
m_Xmin = xmid - wid / 2
m_Xmax = xmid + wid / 2
m_Ymin = ymid - hgt / 2
m_Ymax = ymid + hgt / 2
start_time = Timer
stop_time = Timer
If min_time > stop_time - start_time Then min_time = stop_time - start_time
If max_time < stop_time - start_time Then max_time = stop_time - start_time
SavePicture picCanvas.Image, _
file_name & Format$(frame) & ".bmp"
wid = wid * fraction
hgt = hgt * fraction
Next frame
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
MsgBox _
"Longest: " & Format$(max_time, "0.00") & _
" seconds." & vbCrLf & _
"Shortest: " & Format$(min_time, "0.00") & _
" seconds." & vbCrLf
End Sub
' Make a series of images.
Private Sub mnuMovieCreate_Click()
Dim old_file_name As String
Dim file_name As String
Dim pos As Integer
' Allow the user to pick a file.
On Error Resume Next
old_file_name = dlgFile.FileName
dlgFile.DialogTitle = "Select base file name (no number)"
dlgFile.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt + cdlOFNHideReadOnly
pos = InStr(old_file_name, ".")
If pos > 0 Then old_file_name = Left$(old_file_name, pos - 1)
dlgFile.FileName = old_file_name
If Err.Number = cdlCancel Then
dlgFile.FileName = old_file_name
Exit Sub
ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 Then
dlgFile.FileName = old_file_name
MsgBox "Error selecting file.", , vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
file_name = Trim$(dlgFile.FileName)
dlgFile.FileName = old_file_name
dlgFile.InitDir = Left$(file_name, Len(file_name) _
- Len(dlgFile.FileTitle) - 1)
' Trim off the extension if any.
pos = InStr(file_name, ".")
If pos > 0 Then file_name = Left$(file_name, pos - 1)
' Add a trailing underscore if needed.
If Right$(file_name, 1) <> "_" Then _
file_name = file_name & "_"
' Make the movie.
MakeMovie file_name
End Sub
' Increase the area shown by a factor of Index.
Private Sub mnuScale_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim size As Single
Dim mid As Single
size = Index * (m_Xmax - m_Xmin)
If size > 3.2 Then
Exit Sub
End If
mid = (m_Xmin + m_Xmax) / 2
m_Xmin = mid - size / 2
m_Xmax = mid + size / 2
size = Index * (m_Ymax - m_Ymin)
If size > 2.4 Then
Exit Sub
End If
mid = (m_Ymin + m_Ymax) / 2
m_Ymin = mid - size / 2
m_Ymax = mid + size / 2
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub